Christmas in July – Donation Drive – “Fill the Shed”

Feelhaver School needs our help to “Fill-the-Shed” with fun activities to do during recess! Please bring a recess item to your next appointment or order something from the Amazon Wish List to support the our donation drive “Christmas in July -Fill-the-Shed” and get entered to win our stay-cation giveaway!!

The purpose of “Christmas in July” is to provide as many items/toys as we can to the charity drive, “Fill-the-Shed”, which is an initiative to collect recess equipment to provide endless entertainment to inspire student to stay active during recess !! Items collected will be donated to Feelhaver Elementary and be utilized by students 1st-5th grade.

Filling the shed with fun activities will help the kids get excited about playing outside and encouraging exercise to support a healthy lifestyle.

Keeping children active and healthy aligns seamlessly with Active Health mission and we are excited to help support the health and happiness of our local youth!

Why do we need to Fill-the-Shed?
Feelhaver is one of the oldest schools in the district and with that they comes older playground equipment.. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on new playground equipment the booster club has decided to create a “Fill-the-Shed” initiative to collect items to keep kids busy, excited and engaged in recess activities.

With our help we will kick start this campaign and have some of these recess activities available as soon as school starts!

How can you help?
To join in on this initiative you can bring an item, or recess equipment, with you to your appointment or drop it off to the front desk at Active Health. Remember your donation can bring joy to so many children and it enters you in the drawing to win the “Stay-Cation”!

Thank you for your support!

Jump Rope
Hula Hoops

Anyone who brings in a donation to help support will be entered into a drawing for a summer stay-cation! Details listed below!